Coin Casa Paola Scalvini

—Product Director

My journey into the design world began 25 years ago. After graduating in Industrial Design at the Faculty of Architecture of the Polytechnic of Milan, I started working with the architect Mauro Bacchini at the High-Tech and Cargo stores in Milan as product manager.

After more than 10 years, I decide to start a new adventure with Bialetti Industrie, an historic company that is a symbol of Italianness in the world. Here I rediscover Moka Express, an icon of design and a symbol of Made in Italy, my vision expands with industrial skills, the DNA of the company.

Since a few months I am Home Product Director for COIN, founded in 1916 in Venice, the most popular department store in Italy. Coincasa is the Coin brand that interprets love for the home with creativity and passion. It develops annual collections with an original mix of tradition and contemporary elegance.