Casastile Nicla de Carolis

—Publisher | Editorial director

Journalist since 1993, she expanded her career into publishing in 2000, when she founded EDIBRICO, a niche publishing house dedicated to home improvement, DIY, gardening, home renovations, and interior design. As editorial director, she oversees several print magazines, including Casastile, Rifare Casa, Come Ristrutturare la Casa, and Far da sé, while also managing a range of websites. Her enduring passion has always been the home and all aspects of enhancing it, whether through structural innovation, comfort, or aesthetics. Reflecting on her career, she often says, “I remain an enthusiast, ever curious and deeply in love with my work. It involves a blend of theoretical insights, ongoing learning, and a commitment to communicate in line with the principles of journalism: ethics, aesthetics, sustainability, and practical action are the cornerstones of my approach.”