—Candyslab CANDY CHAIR

CANDYSLAB welcomes CANDY CHAIR, a giant decorative object born from the brand’s institutional symbol, a candy-shaped furnishing accessory that can make any space unique. It evolves into a room lamp with recognizable patterns and a very specific function: that of illuminating and recharging, thus combining aesthetic sense and functionality. Finally, it matures into a large-sized candy, merging design, beauty, and innovation into a single element.  Hence, CANDY CHAIR emerges as a standout product with its vibrant colors and original prints. It’s a furnishing complement divided into two parts, merging three products into one, encapsulating the essence of sustainability and innovation: a candy that decorates, allows seating, and can be used as a base support within a sought-after design product. The green concept of this article aligns with the brand’s primary mission, that is to make multifunctional an object that usually serves a single purpose.  The CANDY CHAIR was designed from an environmentally friendly concept, thanks to the commercial project SUN D, specialized in the creativity and molding of large 3D objects, using an eco-sustainable material: PLA (Polylactic Acid), a biopolymer obtained from renewable plant-based sources, adhering to the principles of the circular economy as it’s 100% biodegradable and compostable.